On Monday, 11/13/2006 at 08:02 CST, "McKown, John" 
> The zSeries TOD clock is only sync'ed to the HMC (or SE) clock with a
> Power On Restart (or is it RESET?), not at IPL time or LPAR activation
> time. A POR affects all LPARs, obviously.

My informant says otherwise:  When you activate an LPAR it will resync its 
TOD to the CEC TOD.  After that, any STP/ETR-induced changes to the CEC 
TOD are invisible to the partition unless it explicitly enables to be 
notified of TOD changes.  z/OS will do that.  z/VM won't.  (And, right, 
IPL does not resync the TOD.)

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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