Check out the text in APAR's OA11362, OA13098, and OA11603. -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Benik Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 3:24 PM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: ARC0103I when adding STK VSM to virtual tape esoteric.
Currently most of our HSM work is going to an IBM virtual tape system. We are in the process of migrating off of IBM and going to STK. To get a jump on this we decided we would add the STK Virtual Tape drives to the Esoteric that's currently used by for the IBM VTS. When we did this HSM had a problem. Below is the message. ARC0103I INVALID SETSYS PARAMETER INVALID USER UNIT 656 ARC0103I (CONT.) TABLE ENTRY, UNITNAME=VTAPE CONTAINS INCOMPATIBLE ARC0103I (CONT.) DEVICES ARC0103I INVALID SETSYS PARAMETER USER UNIT TABLE 657 ARC0103I (CONT.) CREATE FAILED,THERE ARE NO VALID USER UNIT TABLE ARC0103I (CONT.) ENTRIES Is there a way to get around this? Is it because the STK VSM and IBM VTS cannot be in the same esoteric? It doesn't make sense to me but hope somebody can help here... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at