In a recent note, Tony Harminc said:

> Date:         Tue, 14 Nov 2006 13:01:14 -0500
> >
> > How do you get uninterrupted operation on a single-CPC site?
> > Never IPL?
> > Never have a sub-system failure?
> > Without Parallel SYSPLEX?
> I assume he meant "uninterrupted by the need to fix the clock that has
> drifted".
Correct.  I can readily imagine a circumstance in which the MTBF
of a single-CPC meets availability criteria but the need to shut
down periodically to reset the clock is unacceptable.

Am I to understand from this thread that the entire description of
Clock Steering in the recent POp refers to a chargeable feature?
Or that STP which is the software that exploits Clock Steering is
chargeable?  If the latter, there's an opportunity for independents.
They might even be able to make it work for VM, VSE, and Linux.

-- gil

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