On 14 Nov 2006 09:20:48 -0800, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (john gilmore) wrote:
Let's all try to make our title lines for OPs more
descriptive of what they contain.
There's a good web page on "How To Ask Questions The
Smart Way":
and, of course, he covers subject lines (beware of wrap):
It's written by (and mostly for) the *nix community,
but it has a lot of good advice. You'd all be very glad if
the people on your jobs asking *you* questions would read
and heed it.
He's also not *nix-arrogant. I IDed myself as a
mainframer, but he accepted my suggested updates. The
above is a good URL to hold onto. Point it out to people
who need the advice.
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