Querydub will only tell you if the dub MIGHT work or fail but it doesn't
tell you why. 

I use the initusp call to actually dub the environment which will return
a reason if it fails, you can tell exactly why it wont work (or at least
get closer than querydub) could be that there is an omvs segment but it
is not fully defined...

Some reasons are 
1. no omvs segment
2. no uid in the omvs segment 
3. no gid in the omvs segment

See the "security server RACF callable services" 

Eric Spencer
Neon Enterprise Software Inc

> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Don Poitras
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 2:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Checking For OMVS Segment From Assembler
> Harry Goldschmitt wrote:
> >
> > I recently had a major bug at a site with a C++ application running
> > in MVS batch.  The site uses ACF2 for security.  When the
> > started, it managed to read 2 members of a PDS successfully and then
> > began getting permission errors on the 3rd member.  It turns out the
> > user that submitted the job did not have an OMVS segment.  As soon
> > the application was run under a user with an OMVS segment,
> > worked fine.
> >
> > In an attempt to see if I could do any preventative checking, I
> > created a user on my z/OS 1.6 system, using RACF for security with
> > OMVS segment and tried running the application.  I got an U4093 RC
> > ABEND in CEESTART before my code was entered.
> >
> > There is a documented restriction that an OMVS segment is needed to
> > run C/C++, even in batch.  I'm willing to write an assembler front
> > end for the application.  Does anyone know of a way to tell from
> > assembler if the current user has an OMVS segment?
> >
> > Harry
> Issue querydub - BPX1QDB
> --
> Don Poitras - zSeries R & D  -  SAS Institute Inc. -  SAS Campus Drive
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (919)531-5637  Fax:677-4444     Cary, NC 27513
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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