On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:01:29 +0000, Jan Vanbrabant wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Re. you saying:
>     the new TRSMAIN supports spanned records so you can TERSE your SMF
>     data!  Grab it at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/s390/mvs/tools/packlib/
Were you supposed to disclose that to someone who may not have clicked on
the License agreement below?

At last?  And when can we expect support for HFS/ZFS?

I would think that TRSMAIN should perform a low-level (EXCP) copy of block 
and be oblivious to data set characteristics.  But isn't that ADRDSSU's 
So, is there any species of data set that can't practically be unloaded with
ADRDSSU, followed by TRSMAIN PACK, then FTP; and restored by reversing the
process?  How does this deal with a VSAM cluster with its necessary catalog
complexity?  How much out-of-band data would also need to be supplied for the
command input to ADRDSSU restore?

How would it do with a VM minidisk, seen as an MVS dataset, for which the count
fields are invalid?

> De TRSMAIN homepage
> http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/390/trsmain.html

-- gil

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