Can I run the version of DFSORT that is installed on my z/OS 1.4 system on my z/OS 1.7 system via JOBLIB in the batch jobs?
If so, which libraries would I need to add to the JOBLIB (both JCL sort and program invoked sort are used in the application if that matters) and are there any APF requirements? For those curious why: We have been seeing inaccurate results in the testing of the batch cycle for one of our applications when testing on z/OS 1.7. We know that sort is producing different results on 1.7 than our z/OS 1.4 system (related to records with duplicate sort keys). Both are using the default of EQUALS=VLBLKSET so we understand why but we don't know how that could be causing the issues we are seeing. On one test of JCL sort (relatively small sort) 1.7 results only match 1.4 if we over-ride with EQUALS on the 1.4 system. Anyway, we would like to change only SORT instead of all ServerPac installed software and test the batch part of the application to see if this is the entire cause of our issues or if perhaps we also have a test environment setup problem (or something else). Thank you in advance for your assistance, Greg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at