Thanks guys.

1. Yes, Richard is right. I was under a misaprehension of what the INTRDR
count meant. I get it now. The INTRDR count is the number of JES3
"processes" that are reading on the INTRDR "pipe" not the maximum number of
users that can be writing to it (which is essentially unlimited).

2. That APAR looks right on. I have forwarded it to the customer. 

3. I have asked the customer whether they are running RACF or CA-ACF2. I am
going to guess RACF but we'll see. August, what difference would it make? Or
rather, why do you ask? Keep in mind that this is an intermittent problem:
sometimes a given user ID succeeds in submitting a job and sometimes it


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of August Carideo
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: 125 JES internal reader allocation failed

are they running ACF2 ?


I think there may be a misunderstanding about what the INTRDR parameter does
in JES3. Jobs do not directly allocate INTRDR's, but write to a spool file
that is then queued to an INTRDR.
Changing this parm only affects how many INTRDR's are reading from this
queue. Jobs can keep allocating and writing to
SYSOUT=(x,,INTRDR) as long as there is spool space irregardless of the
number of INTRDR's.

Check out

for a possible solution.


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