>Why worry? 

>RMF III and RMF post processor reports will both give you the
percentile breakdown of the activity (given a percentile goal). Just
adjust the duration of >750 SU's until A) 75% of transactions end in 1/2
second or less and then use that value or B) if 75% of trans are ending
wthin the approved duration(750 >or other), adjust the goal to match the
observed response time E.G. 75% completion in 0.3 sec (or other).

The only problem with that approach is that it presumes that the
behavior is already acceptable and you're simply trying to calibrate the
goal to the actual achievement.  The point in examining some actual
values is to provide additional insight into the actual behavior of the
workload being managed.  

I still maintain that 75% is far too liberal a goal for first period
TSO.  Given the natural constraint of having a duration coded, there
shouldn't be as much "spread" in the load as alluded to in the original
post. "Its current definition is 50% complete in 1 second and I've got
*one* 4hr sample of 65% at 0.5 sec and 27% at >4 sec."

In my opinion, these are two distinct workloads.  A 800% differential
should never occur for comparable units of work (within the same goal
and performance period).  This indicates (to me) that the duration is
allowing longer running transactions to be retained in first period and
skew the results which is why a percentile of 75% is necessary.  I
believe the duration should be reduced to tighten up the first period
controls and that the percentile should also be tightened up.  This
would force the longer running transactions into second period where
they can be managed with comparably running units of work rather than
usurping resources that should be dedicated to trivial transactions.
There's nothing wrong with having extra performance periods to
accommodate such situations, since there is nothing special about having
only three performance periods for TSO.

The point in multiple performance periods is to allow different types of
work to migrate to their respective levels of consumption so that they
can be managed similarly.  I don't know where the idea came from that
somehow a certain percentage HAD to complete in any period to be
considered "good".  

Anyway ... My two cents


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