If the thingie cannot be disassembled, then it is like a computing chore
that is inherently single-thread and cannot be multi-tasked.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of McKown, John
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: What's a CPU second?

Multi-threading would be like having a disassembled "thingie" to move,
which requires the cargo space of >1x but <=2x of your trunk space. With
one car, you must make two trips. With one car, you make a single trip.
So you get the "thingie" moved to the new location twice as fast as with
one car. (ignoring the return trip time in the one-car case, which I
will assume is instantaneous to make this work right). So if you have 2
cars, you can get done twice as fast, in this case. This assumes that
the "thingie" can be disassembled. If the "thingie" cannot be
disassembled, well the analogy breaks down. Or maybe you need to rent a
trailer, which makes you go 1/2 speed, or something.

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