Besides the MAXRECALL there is also the issue of physical number of tape drives. We are limited here to the number of things DFHSM can do because we do not have sufficient Tape Drives for everything. That includes normal TAPE processes as well as DFHSM. So another issue could be physical resources.
Lizette > >No, HSM does not 'single thread' unless the maxrecall is set to 1. In the case >of recall by jcl, the process is single threaded because the datasets are >recalled in the order in which they are allocated. > >Optimally you would issue Hrecall commands against the set of datasets you >wanted to recall HSM would then recall as many concurrently as possible. At >the very least multiple tape mounts would be avoided if the desired datasets >happened to be on the same ML2 tape. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at