Lizette Koehler wrote:
I have a general question.
Does anyone know where I can find information about how often a disk needs to
be replaced or does dynamic sparing inside these new fangle DASD Boxes from
IBM, EMC, or Hitachi?
I am not talking about the mainframe dasd itself. But rather the disk in the
box that the mainframe dasd is mapped (?) too?
I have heard that a CE has to replace at least 1 disk per month on some of
these boxes. (DMX3000 - EMC, DS8000 - IBM, etc....)
So I guess I am looking at MTTF for the disk.
I wouldn't worry about hard disk MTBF. Sometimes DASD box claims
failure, but the disk itself is not crashed and it ...comes back to the
same or another customer.
The question is how painful disk replacement procedure is, how many
spares do you have, is disk failure properly "broadcasted" to operators
and service bureau (i.e. via modem). This is qulity of exploitation.
I know large DASD box, where disk failure is claimed every week, but the
disk is not replaced and it gets spare status (automagically or by CE
stuff). What's funny the provider's opinion is "everything is OK". Isn't
it ? <vbg>
I also remember problems with IBM (STK) RVA: it seemed quite serious:
the disk was not in "bad" status, but from the other hand it was not on
the "available devices" list. The status was "permanently interim".
Neither dead nor alive. AFAIR we lost two HDAs in the array...
My $0.02
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland
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