In commenting on Ryerson's zOS certification I said Software Manufacturing was based in Toronto. Then you think electronic delivery and we don't have any postmarks. Anyway, got this informative update from Ontario: <quote> Mike/Ed:
All manufacturing (i.e. shrink-wrap) for the Americas is now done in Boulder, CO. Even custom builds like z/OS CBPDO are done there. We used to do manufacturing for Canada and Latin America up on 14th Avenue in Markham, but that moved south 4 or 5 years ago. The reason is that most all IBM products and almost all IBM service are shipped electronically now (for System z via ShopzSeries) so we "manufacture" less and less every year. For Sev1 APARs where a customer insists on a tape (for System z) we do have the ability to make a tape at 3600, but again that happens very rarely now. <endquote> ************************************** See what's free at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at