On Thu, 3 May 2007 13:57:09 -0500, Betsy Jeffery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've got a PDSE that has it's NVR in one catalog and it's catalog entry in a >different one. And, of course, the dataset is SMS managed. Argh. Please >don't ask how it happened, I do not know. I have been trying in vain to clean >this up as ADRDSSU will not dump the dataset which is causing some backup >jobs to fail. The error is: >ADR793E (001)-DTDSC(01), DATA SET,SYS1.DSNLOAD,ON VOLUME SYS021 IS >AN INCONSISTENT PDSE AND CANNOT BE DUMPED which basically states the >VTOC and VVDS don't match. I have tried getting rid of the NVR, which fails >with RC50 REASON=88 (IDC3009I) : A VVR or NVR with the correct component > name was found, but the catalog name did not match. On a delete request, >the BCS record will be deleted, but the VVR or NVR and the format 1 DSCB will >not be scratched. I've tried a DELETE NONVSAM with the volser to no avail. >I've tried a delete noscratch - which doesn't work either but even if it did, >it >only gets rid of the BCS entry, not the VVDS/NVR. The dataset itself is not >having problems with any normal use; it is linklisted and used by DB2 >&amp; CICS >without error. I have a new PDSE with the contents of the corrupt dataset >ready to go but I have yet to find a way to get rid of the bad one. The >DFSMSdfp Diagnosis says the delete is failing with an 'SMS validation failure', >(ya think!?) and to use regular procedures to correct the entry. Any body >have a guess as to which unexplained 'regular procedures' might be? I've tried >just about everything in the Managing Catalogs Manual that's applicable and >nothing has worked yet. > >Thanks, >Betsy > Betsy, Check if you have READ authorization to the profiles: STGADMIN.IGG.DLVVRNVR.NOCAT CLASS(FACILITY) STGADMIN.IGG.DELNVR.NOBCSCHK CLASS(FACILITY) So you can easily delete the wrong NVR. Best regards, Philippe Leite z/OS Systems Programmer Portugal ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html