
Well, at least you got my attention by putting "VTAM" in the title.

I tend to doubt - like Kenneth - that VTAM has got anything to do with your problem - except that TSO and VTAM share development effort to some extent.

This is a TSO issue - not really to be described as a problem judging by your description.

It may be that you recall that TSO provides the "three asterisks" warning when switching from the "default" - some say "primary" - to the "alternate" presentation space dimensions. Maybe your favourite "alternate" dimensions are 43 rows and 80 columns and your "homegrown" panels use traditional 24 rows and 80 columns. This requires a "resetting" of the logical display hardware and - I believe, since I don't have the facilities at hand to demonstrate it to myself - TSO warns the user that such a change will take place by means of the "three asterisks".

Where VTAM comes into this somewhat indirectly is that the specification of the default and alternate presentation space dimensions is contained in the "presentation services" field of the BIND request unit which sets up the SNA session between TSO as the primary logical unit (LU) and whatever, typically a 3270 emulator these days - or maybe an LU managed by a TN3270 server, represents the secondary LU. This field is defined by the PSERVIC operand of the MODEENT macro which created the mode table entry specified for the session. This mode table entry is contained within the mode table specified on the VTAM definition statement which represents the secondary LU using the MODETAB operand . Alternatively, if there is no MODETAB operand specified, the VTAM-supplied table ISTINCLM is used. These VTAM resources are where VTAM comes into the picture.

In fact it may not be quite so straightforward as this. It may be that the specification in the selected mode table entry PSERVIC field corresponds to the code which indicates that the application, in this case TSO, should determine the default and alternate presentation space dimensions from the customization of the implementation of the 3270 secondary LU itself rather than the customization having to be coordinated with the numbers in the selected mode table entry PSERVIC field. This is almost certainly possible with the implementation of the 3270 secondary LU used today but not every VTAM systems programmer has introduced the revision to definitions required to exploit this enhancement - of very many years ago.

Having said all this it is something of a puzzle that a change of behaviour within TSO has appeared between z/OS Communications Server SNA V1R4 and V1R7. I'm guessing that any such change would be in response to an enhancement relating to presentation space dimensions and may have appeared in an APAR between V1R4 and V1R7. Thus a hunt in the description of APARs involving TSO for V1R4, V1R5, V1R6 and, possibly, if maintenance has been incorporated into the V1R7 you are using, V1R7 might throw up the cause of the change to behaviour I assume some finickety TSO user has brought to your attention.

Incidentally, as I indicated above, the requirement to press "Enter" following the appearance of the "three asterisks" when the presentation space dimensions change is probably the *correct* behaviour and it may be that what happened before was the *incorrect* behaviour.

If you need more help understanding what I have been talking about - or just more help, please post again and provide more details, giving, for example, the presentation space dimensions in use before and after the appearance of the "three asterisks".

Chris Mason

----- Original Message ----- From: "Debbie Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2007 12:25 AM
Subject: VTAM question (***)

We have just upgraded from z/OS 1.4 to z/OS 1.7. There is a slight behaviour difference in ISPF, however, when navigating ISPF panels. I'm 99% sure the
change I need to make is in VTAM somewhere, but I can't for the life of me
remember where.

When going from certain panels to other (homegrown) panels, the user is
presented with *** at the bottom of the screen and must hit enter. Prior to
the implementation of 1.7, however, the *** was not presented and the new
panel was displayed without having to hit enter.

Can someone point me to where I need to look?  Many thanks in advance.

Debbie Mitchell
Utica National Insurance Group

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