Hi Andy,

We use synchronous PPRC on a HDS9980V and synchronous SRDF on a EMC 
DMX200 unit.  We previously ( June 1998 to October 2004 ) had used XRC to a 
site about 900 'cable miles' away.  One of the 'operational issues' we had to 
deal with was the fact that XRC being asynchronous might cause our D/R 
solution to be seconds to possibly a minute or more 'behind' the 'write 
of the production site.  We didn't XRC the JES2 Checkpoint/Spool volumes at 
that time ( our PPRC/SRDF solution does now ) so that wasn't an issue.  The 
thing I liked about XRC was the 'time consistency' of the data, even across 
multiple storage subsystems ( we had 4 HDS 7700E's, 1 HDS9960 & 1 
HDS9980V ).  So, XRC will make sure that the data is written to the XRC 
Secondary DASD volumes in the same exact order they were written to the 
XRC Primary DASD volumes.  The question becomes: How does JES2 react 
during startup when it attempts to access the primary CF resident Checkpoint 
dataset and that attempt fails?  Have you tried that failure scenario at your 
primary site on a 'sandbox' z/OS system?  For example, while JES2 is running at 
the primary site, SYSTEM RESET CLEAR the z/OS image AND SYSTEM RESET 
CLEAR the CF LPAR that contains the primary checkpoint ( simulates a site 
failure at the primary site ).  Then IPL z/OS and restart JES2, see what 
messages/WTORs JES2 issues.

Glenn Miller

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