On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 09:47:20 -0400, Petersen, Jim

>Wonder if anyone else has experienced this.   We just rolled out z/OS
>1.8 to our 1st two Test/Dev LPARs and we have encountered a problem.
>Our DB2 folks were copying a PDSE loadlib and got an IGW message in the
>IEBCOPY followed by recursive S0C4 and S0C1 abends.  Essentially, until
>this is resolved, we are stopped dead in our tracks from rolling out
>z/OS 1.8 any further.

Nope.  But we rolled out to our biggest development environment this
past weekend.  Even though we have several production LPARs running
1.8, this was the one I was most concerned about.  Turns out I was right.
We have 2 open LE issues.  One is an abend in a PL/I 2.3 program running
in CICS TS 2.3 (also failed in 3.1).   Since it was holding up testing of a 
regulatory change due to go in this weekend, I almost had to back out
on Tuesday.  We were able to STEPLIB to the z/OS 1.6 version of 
SCEERUN and use that in DFHRPL to get around the problem.  IBM has
since provided a test fix that will get tested today.   No APAR number yet,
but there will be one.

The other is a LE U4094 reason 18 in a DB2 program in batch.  Still haven't
proved it's not an application issue, but the app folks say that pointing
to the production version of the program gets the same failure and this
worked last week.  Unfortunately, there is no DB2 data sharing involved
here, so we can't run this on another LPAR in the sysplex that is still 1.6.

We are still working on getting more diagnostic information for IBM (running
tests with changes to LE options) for the U4094 reason 18.

My next set of roll outs (one more devl LPAR and another production LPAR)
is not for a month, so as long as we can get a work around or fix to the
2nd LE issue by early next week, I won't have to back out 1.8 in this 
environment and we can continue our roll out schedule as planned. 

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group:  G-ITO
z/OS and OS390 expert at http://searchDataCenter.com/ateExperts/
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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