In a message dated 7/12/2007 2:39:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>... do access methods have calculations built in for allowing  for the gaps?
Yes.  Modern physical DASD is made by Seagate, IBM, et al, they are  3.5 
inches in diameter, they are controlled as RAID, they are all FBA, and the  
reality is nothing at all like the CKD SLEDs described in IBM's control unit  
reference manuals.  Anciently, when a SLED was still a SLED, gaps served  two 
purposes:  (1) control data was written in them to let the control unit  know 
was coming next on the track (e.g.) and (2) timing, explained in  detail next.
The original reason for gaps was to waste time.  The control unit had  to ask 
the channel to fetch the next CCW command code byte from central  storage and 
give it to the control unit before the next count field, key field,  or data 
field rotated under the read/write mechanism.  Given the specific  rotation 
speed and recording density, you can calculate how many microseconds  wide was 
this window for fetching the next CCW.  At the speed of signals  through copper 
cables, sending many signals both ways, and the width of the  window allowed 
by the chosen gap size, IBM's answer was that the control unit  must be within 
400 feet of the CPU or there would be I/O errors due to the  control unit's 
not getting the next CCW in time.  The gap is there to waste  enough time in 
rotation so the control unit has a good chance of getting the  next CCW before 
the piece of data upon which that next CCW command needs to act  arrives and 
then moves past the read/write mechanism.
Another source of conflict for CCW signal propagation was competing for  
central storage.  Some early S/360 processors had inboard channels, which  
that when the channel needed to access a particular byte of central  storage 
(e.g., for fetching a CCW) it had to compete with active jobs for enough  CPU 
cycles to do the storage access.  The use of inboard channels also  
wasting more rotation time with gaps.  Later CPU models had  outboard 
channels, meaning channels which did their own microcode processing and  did 
not need 
to steal CPU cycles from running jobs.  Channels today have  entire CPUs 
running them due to the increased complexity of channel microcode  and the high 
data transfer rates that must be maintained.
Software access methods still assume the physical DASD is CKD, they build  
CCWs that act as if there were gaps and CKD on the tracks, the control units  
decode all these legacy CCW commands, they convert them into disk actions that  
reflect the reality of the physical FBA disks, the entire track is probably in 
 high-speed control unit cache so there is no need at all for gaps, and 
finally  they convert the I/O request's ending status back into virtual CKD 
information for more legacy IOS code to use in handling any possible  error.  
There is a LOT of code still supporting the CKD structure and CKD  gaps that 
have not existed for perhaps 15 years now.
Bill  Fairchild
Plainfield, IL

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