I am in need of a fairly straightforward method of turning a PDS into a flat file (for modifications) and then back into a PDS. Having the original ISPF stats present in the final PDS is not necessarily a critical part of the process for us --- nice, but not absolutely necessary.

I have an REXX exec that does the process, but it is not set up to run as a batch job. Would that it were ... sigh.

I have come across the CBT FILE093 solution(s) --- but, there appear to be many varieties.

Some assistance/suggestions, please?
Try this:

1. Use the REVIEW command processor from the CBT tape, with the OFFLOAD subcommand, to create the flat file.

2. Do whatever edit(s) you need to do.

3. Use the PDSLOAD batch processor, also from the CBT tape, to re-create the PDS.

This will also save your ISPF stats.

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