your SDSF server start with ISFPRMxx parmlib parameter.

Extract of this one, you have RACF access for TSOAUTH class and resources
JCL,OPER & ACCT then, you receive this authoriezd functions

   /* GROUP ISFSPROG - System Programmers */                           
GROUP NAME(ISFSPROG),       /* Group name                          */  
TSOAUTH(JCL,OPER,ACCT),     /* User must have JCL, OPER, ACCT      */  
ACTION(ALL),                /* All route codes displayed           */  
ACTIONBAR(YES),             /* Display the action bar on panels    */  
APPC(ON),                   /* Include APPC sysout                 */  
AUPDT(2),                   /* Minimum auto update interval        */  
AUTH(LOG,I,O,H,DA,DEST,PREF,     /* Authorized functions           */  

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