Hi, While starting MQ QMGR I am getting following error and qmgr is terminated.
CSQJ104E CSQJR206 RECEIVED ERROR STATUS 00000008 969 FROM CSQJCLOC FOR DSNAME=CSQPARC2.A0010899 CSQJ151I CSQJR003 ERROR READING RBA 0035D612F000, 970 CONNECTION-ID=CSQP CORRELATION-ID=003.RCRSC 02 REASON CODE=00D10345 CSQV086E QUEUE MANAGER ABNORMAL TERMINATION REASON=00D96021 IEF450I CSQPMSTR CSQPMSTR - ABEND=S6C6 U0000 REASON=00000000 062 I have lost my both the mq archive logs. Is there any way I can start my MQ CSQP QMGR with no message loss ? JAcky ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html