I hope a more pertinent response will appear, but I have Columbus Day off
(thanks, Chris); and the mainframe still offers new worlds to explore.

At the very end of last year, we suddenly confronted an 'opportunity' to
upgrade a z900 to z990. One image on that CEC had been stuck at z/OS 1.4
for some time. 1.4 was still supported then but was teetering on the edge
of the support horizon. We had never installed z990 Exploitation Support
because, well, we had never had one to exploit. With literally three weeks
to prepare, we downloaded the package from ShopzSeries and installed it.
It's important to remember that this is well aged code with lots of time in
the barrel and so many tastings sampled by so many palates that new
surprises are statistically unlikely. We ran the updated version for a
while on the sandbox sysplex alongside a 1.7 image. No problems surfaced.
The more important question of whether you can get your hands on the z990
package has to be explored. The package I got had some FMIDs that I didn't
need; don't remember the details.  Just a long SMP/E job.

As a historical footnote, I have to add that the application holding back
the 1.4 image got heroically upgraded in time for the upgrade so we never
had to run the 1.4 code in production. I also need to yellow hilite the
upgrade to z990, not z9. So this is a little like CC's finding America on
the way to India. If his sponsors had been truly desperate for tea and
curry, the poor boy would have been disgraced and thrown into prison.


We all wish you a better outcome.

JO.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

             "Murray M.                                                    
             <murray.robinson@                                          To 
             ACIWORLDWIDE.COM>         IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU                
             Sent by: IBM                                               cc 
             Discussion List                                       Subject 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         z/OS 1.4 upgrade to allow operation 
             .EDU>                     on a z9.                            
             10/08/2007 01:41                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               IBM Mainframe                                               
              Discussion List                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Some days ago I noticed a request as to how difficult the move from a z900
to a z9 with the now unsupported release of z/OS 1.4.  It looked like you
just had to apply the appropriate compatibility PTFs and PSP buckets.
However, I either did not see or missed if this was done using the
ORDERABLE comparability functions while z/OS 1.4 was still supported.  The
only way now is to download the z990 Exploitation Support for z/OS V1.4
from the web. This has the compatibility functions bundled in with other
exploitation changes (which I don't really need). Has anyone  used this
method to get there operating system ready for a new machine, and if so
how bad was the maintenance process.  We don't have to run the z/OS 1.4
image for long on the new machine but we have a push pull machine change
so have to feel comfortable about image coming up. It is also part of an
existing SYSPlex contained on the one machine ( the others being z/OS 1.7
so only PSP bucket fixes for them),  don't know if that complicates
matters or not.

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