On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 11:46:31 -0500, Pawel Leszczynski 
>Are there any other applications on this WAS instance?  How are they
>performing?  How is your JVM garbage collection?
>How do your RMF
>reports look?
>there are any RMF reports on WAS5.1?
>can you give me any sample?

Assuming you are running in goal mode, and you have your 
tranactional CB work defined with a response-time goal, in your 
workload activity report your corresponding service class entry will tell 
you how many transactions ended during the period, etc.  Tons of 
good info there, but what may interest you the most is the entries 
under "waiting".   The bloody infoCenter is down right now, otherwise 
I'd post a link with the descriptions of the waiting codes.  You can also 
look in the Performance Monitoring and Tuning guide.  There is a 
section on WLM Delay Monitoring.


If you are not familiar with how to assign your transactions to a 
particular transaction class/service class/reporting class, I will post a 
link as soon as the infoCenter is available.

                                                 CRITICAL     =NONE         
---  SERVI
AVG      2.61  ACTUAL               150  SSCHRT  11.0  IOC         0   CPU  
MPL      2.61  EXECUTION            139  RESP     1.8  CPU     99003K  SRB  
ENDED   12513  QUEUED                11  CONN     0.9  MSO         0   RCT  
END/S   13.90  R/S AFFIN              0  DISC     0.8  SRB         0   IIT  
#SWAPS      0  INELIGIBLE             0  Q+PEND   0.2  TOT     99003K  
EXCTD       0  CONVERSION             0  IOSQ     0.0  /SEC   109975   AAP  
AVG ENC  2.61  STD DEV            1.985                                IIP  
REM ENC  0.00                                          ABSRPTN    42K       
MS ENC   0.00                                          TRX SERV   42K       
           RESP  -------------------------------- STATE SAMPLES BREAKDOWN (%
SUB    P   TIME  --ACTIVE-- READY IDLE  -----------------------------WAITING
TYPE        (%)   SUB  APPL             TYP3                                
CB    BTE   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0  0.0   0.0                                
CB    EXE   121   5.1  89.3   0.0  0.0   5.6                                
GOAL: RESPONSE TIME FOR  50%                                  

> What kind of delays?
>how to see what kind of delays they are?
>What other kind of work is on this box?  Is the WAS work priority
>reasonable with relation to your other work?  Do you have the STC 
>to a velocity goal, and the WAS work (CB) set to a response-time 
>its definitely not a problem with CPU capacity(total utilization is very 
>WAS is not waiting for CPU,I doubt also its problem with WLM 
>Its looks like a classical bottleneck but i dont know where.
>moreover its strange that the same application works fine on WAS3.1
>and very poorly on WAS5.1
>problem appears when there are many concurrent requests

A lot of my questions are more background than necessarily pertinent 
to the question (you never know).  How do you know that there are 
many concurrent requests? (It's much easier to track this real-time 
when you are using an HTTP Server front-end)  When it was WAS3.5, 
was it also running on z/OS?  What service level of WAS and Java are 
you running?  I assume this is a webapp - no EJBs or other loveliness.

So, the performance is only bad when the load is heavy?  If the load 
then slacks off, does the performance return to acceptable levels, or 
does the performance just get worse as the day goes on?  Do you 
have verbosegc turned on, and how does that output look?  That 
should always be turned on in all of your JVMs.

Are there any backend resources involved, and are they performing 

Do you use Tivoli Performance Viewer, or whatever it was called in 5.1?

If you'd rather respond off-list, that's fine. 


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