On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:37:32 -0500, Robert S. Hansel (RSH)

>Theoretically, you could just apply the templates for the target z/OS
>release to the old database and reIPL with it. This assumes the database in
>the restructured format introduced with RACF 1.9 (MVS/ESA). However, there
>are many other factors that would determine whether your system would run
>effectively such as (just to name a few) whether there are exits involved
>(both RACF and other products calling RACF), what resource classes and
>profiles are defined, what release of CICS are you migrating from/to (there
>was a significant change in CICS transaction security at release 4.1), and
>what release of z/OS you are migrating to (for instance, FACILITY class
>profiles to allow the use of HSM commands are required in z/OS 1.6 and
>later). Depending on the size of the RACF database and the span of releases,
>you may need 2 to 4 weeks or more just to analyze the possible impacts and
>plan the creation of new profiles needed to accommodate the requirements of
>the target z/OS release.

Good points, Bob.

Additionally, one needs to consider the kind of migration.  The migration
might involve a complete cutover to the new system, without ever sharing the
data or falling back to the old level.  

Or it might involve running the new system in test mode, then falling back
to the 
old system, but using the updated data sets.

Or it might involve a test system and a production system sharing data sets

The considerations and problems may be different for all three of these
cases, especially when performing a migration that's not within the allowed
three release range.

  Walt Farrell, CISSP
  IBM STSM, z/OS Security Design

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