On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 05:40:51 -0800 (PST), in bit.listserv.ibm-main (Message-ID:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

This question is about z/os and pkzip.

Used versions; z/os 1.7.1 and PKZIP(R) for zSeries, Version 8.2.0 -
02/06/06 15.01 LVL(4)

I've been looking around for a way to check if previously created zip- file is empty or contains any entries. So far I've not come up with a solution. What I want to do is basically , in a batch-job , given a datasetname pointing to a zip-archive, check wether the zip-archive is empty or not and based on a return-code or similar be able to control
the following processing steps in a job.

I have tried to check the manual to see if any of the possible operations to perform upon an archive will do the job but without

Any ideas?


Try trapping the output of PKUNZIP -v command and looking for the "No file(s) found" message. You could also experiment with that same command and see if different return codes are passed for successful vs. unsuccessful.

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