>>> On Thu, Dec 6, 2007 at  2:53 PM, in message
John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> But isn't that a managerial failure, rather than a technical failure?

I don't see that as a failure of either group involved.  At the time, many of 
those mods were necessary, and the impact to moving to new releases was 
manageable for quite a while.  As time went on, it became apparent that in most 
cases mods weren't a good thing, and they were largely phased out.  The same is 
true of dump reading.  I don't know how many years I went without reading a 
dump prior to leaving EDS.  The management philosophy was "you're more valuable 
to us doing other things.  Take the dump and ship it to IBM (or whomever)."  As 
time passes, the industry matured more, and needs changed.

> Now that Linux is ported to the System z and in use as production, does
> that mean that people should stop publishing the source? Not that it is
> possible, due to the GPL and the Linux development philosophy. Or does
> is mean that Linux should never been use for mission critical
> infrastructure?
> Or am I just misunderstanding this entire argument (likely)?

I think some people think that way.  Most people are just saying "don't go wild 
with the source, and put us back in the same position we were in with MVS long 
ago."  And, at least in the case of the enterprise Linux distributions for the 
mainframe, I think that most people are avoiding that.  Largely because most of 
the people working with them remember the pain involved in eliminating all 
those mods.  (My particular project was with JES2 5.2.2 and moving all of EDS' 
mods into exits.  Ouch.)

Mark Post

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