On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 20:32:26 -0600, W. Kevin Kelley 

>There seems to be some confusion as to what these possible changes are 
>and why IBM is making them.
>The MCSOPER programming interface currently allows you to make a system
>console inactive via the REQUEST=DEACTIVATE parameter.
>Note: By system console, we mean the operating system console function
>provided by the Hardware Management Console (HMC).
>When a system console becomes inactive, there is no way for you to make it
>active again (except by reIPLing that system).
>The change will prevent the MCSOPER programming interface from
>inadvertently making a system console inactive.
>This should not be confused with the VARY CN,ACTIVATE and VARY
>CN,DEACTIVATE system commands.
>The VARY CN,ACTIVATE system command allows you to place the system
>console in problem determination mode.
>The VARY CN,DEACTIVATE system command allows you to take the system
>console out of problem determination mode.
>These system commands are NOT impacted by the change.

In addition, the MCSOPER programming interface will no longer allow you to 
make an inactive system console active via the REQUEST=ACTIVATE 
Note: This function does not really reactivate the system console. That can 
only be done by the operating system. 
What this function does is make the inactive system console an active EMCS 
console that the operating system thinks is a system console. 
By disallowing the MCSOPER programming interface from making an inactive 
system console active, IBM is protecting the name of the system console from 
being used as an EMCS console. 
Since most installations have their system console name defined in their 
CONSOLxx parmlib member, this will ensure that the reIPLing of the system is 
successful in making the system console active again with the desired name. 
If you reuse the name to activate an EMCS console prior to reIPLing, a system 
console will be active but it will have a different name.
Note: If you do not want the console name to be associated with the system 
console anymore, you can remove its console definition via IEARELEC.

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