I have long been annoyed by the dialog that ISPF DSLIST presents me
for each VSAM data set present when I delete a bunch of data sets.
I have no idea what it wants to know; I just press ENTER each time
and sooner or later it finishes deleting the data set and moves on
to the next one.

Today, I deleted a bunch of data sets that HSM had migrated.  I
noticed to my surprise and delight that it presented no dialog to
confirm or alter the deletion.  I will now HMIGRATE each VSAM
data set before deleting a bunch.  Silicon is cheaper than carbon.

Yet, I wonder: if that dialog is essential, or even important, for
deleting VSAM data sets, why is it not presented alike for migrated
and resident VSAM data sets?  I don't think I'll start a PMR on it;
if IBM chose to fix it, I'd have shot myself in the foot.

-- gil

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