On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 19:44:19 -0400, Clark Morris wrote:

>On 4 Jan 2008 13:50:22 -0800, in bit.listserv.ibm-main you wrote:
>>We're strictly talking _JCL_-_PARM_ parameters here, where there does exist
>>a 100-byte length limit imposed by JCL syntax rules.
>>Passing parameter values from one called _program_ to another called
>>_program_ is a completely different animal and therefore not subject to the
>>100-byte limit.
How does your putative program ensure that it was invoked from JCL and
not by CALL/LINK/ATTACH?  Verify that it's the job step task and that
R14 points to SVC 3?  Is there an official way a program can determine
whether it was attached by the initiator and not otherwise?  For the
purpose at hand, wouldn't it be simpler to do CLC PARM,=H'100';

>The fine manual used to state the limit was 144 bytes and I normally
>                                            ^^^^^^^^^
Octal?  How long ago?  Which FM?  JCL?  Supervisor Services?  Other?

>tested for the maximum length expected by the program and used the
Good idea.

>parm length.  It could get interesting if the parm was of lesser
??? The PARM had to be exactly the expected length, neither
longer nor shorter?

>length than expected.  This was done in both COBOL and assembler
BTW, I wonder how Phil moved the PARM into the obtained storage area?
If it was the venerable BCTR; EX MVC, he'd have problems if his program
was invoked by CALL with PARM>256 bytes.

-- gil

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