On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 06:14:13 -0600, Aaron Walker wrote:

>Here is a posting and accompanying article on Slashdot which you may enjoy.
> http://developers.slashdot.org/developers/08/01/08/0348239.shtml
> http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/CrossTalk/2008/01/0801DewarSchonberg.html
>Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
>It is our view that Computer Science (CS) education is neglecting basic
>skills, in particular in the areas of programming and formal methods. We
>consider that the general adoption of Java as a first programming language
>is in part responsible for this decline. We examine briefly the set of
>programming skills that should be part of every software professionals
The summary of the Schonberg paper begins:
    1. Mathematics requirements in CS programs are shrinking.             

The conspicuous naivete exhibited in most of the postings to a recent
ASSEMBLER-LIST thread concerning coding the exponential function sugests
that assembler programmers are hardly better than Java programmers in
this respect.  John G. was one of a few contributors who manifested a
good mathematical background and familiarity with established art.

-- gil

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