Allen Staller let fly with the following bleating: >While I have sympathy for the affected employees, no one is holding a >gun to their(your) head saying "You *WILL* work for IBM".
>They(you) are free to make whatever choices suit their(your) personal >needs and go to work for someone else like a customer or another vendor! >It sounds to me like you are on of those affected. Make whatever choice >suits your personal needs. In the meantime, do what needs to be done, >and deal with it! Fortunately, I do not work for IBM. However the 7600 folks who are being punished for a subset of them exercising their *rights* under US labor law are all _customer facing_ personnel. To manage costs, IBM will manage overtime downwards (these employees were free to work whatever extra hours were required to get the job done). Do the math: less pay, less overtime = more unhappy grunts, installing and maintaining _your_ big iron. IBMer refs: You want one of these guys/gals coming in when the fecal matter impacts the oscillating air mover? See: "One IBM document, labeled a confidential "Q&A for customers," lists this sample question that an IBM client might ask: "What has been the reaction of employees who are being reclassified?" The suggested response for managers: "They understand this is something we must do under current interpretations of the law and to remain competitive within our industry." It is clear, however, that many employees are furious." Birger Heede asked: >Why would the bonus be cut? Bonuses are typically calculated as a percentage of base salary, not total compensation. This translates to a 15% reduction of bonus, as well. SB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at