Before I could guess, I would need more information

Does this job use DB2?
Does it use CICS?
Does it use WEBSPHERE?

Is it accessing data on a server?
What lanaguage is it written in?
Any dasd or communications issues at the time?

If I have a looping situation (transaction, batch job, tso user) that is 
consuming the CPU, then all other work might suffer.

What is the workload during the anomalous run time?  Workload can have an 
impact, but so can external forces.  Without more detail, I am not sure you can 
get a good rule of thumb.

I have seen the same job run with many hours difference.  Mainly due to it 
communicating with a server that was not responding.  I would think that if 
everything is working well, you should see little run time difference.

Just my opinion.


>I got this question time to time:
>What is the maximum CPU time difference for the same job,  between 
>repeated runs,  under different system load ?

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