The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (McKown, John) writes:
> What do you mean by "OMVS is not unix"? I'm more curious than anything
> else. If you're talking about the TSO OMVS command, then it is every bit
> as much "unix" as the original TTY terminals (anybody else every use a
> KSR-33?). Also, z/OS UNIX System Service is also UNIX. It has been so
> branded by the owner of the UNIX trademark (The Open Group?) 

three people from the science center

came out the last week of jan68 to install cp67 (predecessor to vm370
that ran on 360/67) at the univ. at the time, cp67 only supported 1052
and 2741 terminals. the univ. was getting some ksr-33 terminals and so i
had to add ascii/tty support to cp67.

2702 supported SAD command that allowed terminal line-scanner to be
associated with specific ports under program control. the science center
had done support to dynamically determine whether it was dealing with
either a 1052 or 2741 ... and use the SAD command to associate with the
different ports as appropriate.

so as part of adding ascii/tty support ... i figured i could do the same
thing with ascii/tty support. well, it initially seemed to work
... however, the scenario that i really wanted to handle ... a single
dialin phone number (for rotory pool) that could be used regardless of
the terminal type ... failed to actually work. The problem wasn't with
the SAD command and the line-scanner ... it was that the
telecommunication controller took a short-cut and hardwired line-speed
oscillator to each port. I needed to be able to both change the
line-scanner and the oscillator line-speed on a port-by-port basis.

this short-coming helped precipitate a project at the univerisity to
build our own clone controller. started with a interdata/3 minicomputer,
that was programmed to scan the port signal rise/fall to dynamically
determine terminal line speed. also had to reverse engineer the 360
channel interface and build a channel interface board for the

this was subsequently expanded to a cluster of interdata/4 handling the
channel interface with multiple interdata/3s handling the port
line-scanner interface.

this project was written up somewhat blaiming four of use for the clone
controller business. misc. past posts

and, of course, the clone controller business is blaimed for motivation
behind the future system project ... recently mentioned here IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any 
problem on z 9

and this reference mentions Fergus & Morris book attributing the
distraction of the future system project providing the entre for the
clone processors (as well as having long term dampening effects on
corporate innovation).
and this recent post more on (the new 40+ yr old) 
references this article that also discusses future system project
numerous other posts mentioning future system 

as to Fergus & Morris reference to dampening effects on corporate
innovation ... i've periodically speculated that the person responsible
for 801/risc ... was attempting to go to the exact opposite exterme (in
terms of hardware complexity) as what had been going on in the future
system effort

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