I apologize if you have already received the email on this, but Syzygy is
announcing our BETA testing of the next version of SyzAUTO.

I'll past the email below for those that did not receive it, and I'm sorry
if the lines wrap:

***************Beginning of email paste

Dear Syzygy software client,

Syzygy is proud to announce that a new BETA version of SyzAUTO, version 3
will soon be available.  As a result of a large number of customer requests,
an entirely new version of the industry's "least expensive feature-rich
System Command and JOB Automation product", SyzAUTO, will soon be ready to
BETA test.  

We would like to offer you an invitation to participate in the upcoming beta
test of SyzAUTO.  This beta is limited to 150 sites, so if you are
interested and have the time to spare, please send a return email or contact
your site administrator so that we can add you to our beta testing team.

Many new features are being designed into the new version of SyzAUTO.  Some
of the new facilities in SyzAUTO have been added to give SyzAUTO some of the
same functionality that already exists in the SyzCmdZ system command
scripting product and the SyzSPOOL Jes output offload product.  Many clients
that license one or more of the Syzygy suite of products (SyzSPOOL, SyzCmdZ
and SyzAUTO), have requested that we make some of the features of those
products available to them internally from other products in the SYZ-suite,
and SyzAUTO is the first of the three "SYZ-suite" products to reflect those
changes.  The other products of the "SYZ-suite" will be entering Beta
testing shortly.  There are several interconnect capabilities that are being
designed for the "SYZ-suite" products as well, but they are not listed below.

This new version proposes to add the following new features over the current
V2.00.f version of the SyzAUTO product:

Internal commands are now supported with user defined command prefix (2
New Job Scheduling capabilities, allows for tracking and final disposition
(condition codes) of JOBs submitted for execution by SyzAUTO.
Allow capability to EMAIL the results (Condition codes and MAX Condition
Code) of JOBs submitted by SyzAUTO. 
        EMAIL JOB or task failure information where applicable. 
System startup and overrides can be specified in PARMLIB or another dataset. 
New ++STATUS Internal Command, allows user to display the status of the
product on the console. 
New ++STOP Internal Command, allows internal shutdown of product. 
New ++RESET Internal Command, allows the timer to be reset in case of
changes to commands PDS, (restart no longer necessary).
New ++PREFIX Internal Command, allows user customization of the default (++)
New ability to set prefix and submit multiple JOBs or commands at startup
along with the current initial command member. 
New ++SUBMIT Internal command to submit a JOB for execution without being
required to know the SyzAUTO jobstep (no more F A,JOBNAME required). 
New ++CMD Internal Command to execute another command member (or timed
member) without being required to know the SyzAUTO jobstep. 
New ++IF Internal commands allows for decision logic on whether a line is to
be executed: 
        ++IFSTARTED xxxxxxxx; will only execute command following the ";" if the
specified task xxxxxxxx is currently in execution 
        ++IFSTOPPED xxxxxxxx; will only execute command following the ";" if the
specified task xxxxxxxx is NOT running 
        ++IFLPAR xxxxxxxx; will only execute command following the ";" if 
is executing on a certain LPAR (or System ID) 
New ++LPAR Internal command, allows command to be sent to another LPAR in
the sysplex 
New ++REPLY Internal Command, preforms reply to any outstanding WTOR without
knowing the REPLYID in advance, only the MSGID or text (or portion of) the
New ++WTO Internal command to issue message to the console or syslog 
New ++WTOH Internal command to issue a HIGHLIGHTED message to the console or
New USER operations manual in HTML and PDF format. 
Many more features are also under development including a ISPF/PDF based
interface to SyzAUTO. 

The BETA version manual is not yet available, but to download information on
the current "gold" version of SyzAUTO (2.0.f), please link to:

If you would like to participate in the Beta test project for this new 3.0b
version, please contact your project coordinator or reply back to this
email.  You must be registered with the SyzAUTO beta program by March 30,
2008 to participate. 

The current "gold" version of the SyzAUTO product (version z-2.00.f) will
continue to be fully supported until January 18, 2009 as previously announced.  


Tony Alphonsio
Beta Testing Coordinator
Syzygy Incorporated

**************End of email paste;

If you have any questions or would like to participate, you can contact me
offline or send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brian Westerman

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