
One major factor that will influence the price is whether the C/C++
compiler is fenced to a zNALC LPAR or not. I'll sketch out for you the two
scenarios so you know the right question(s) to ask your IBM dude or

In the "usual" scenario, the price depends on your total z/OS MSUs on your
machine (or in your Sysplex if you have aggregated pricing).  For example,
let's assume you have no zNALC LPARs (and no NALC and no z/OS.e, the older
offerings) and you have five normal z/OS LPARs.  You install and run the
C/C++ compiler in LPARs 2 and 3.  You have a single machine.  In that case
your C/C++ compiler price will be regular price, and it will be equal to
the number of MSUs your sub-capacity report shows for z/OS across all 5
LPARs.  (The C/C++ compiler is not separately reported.  It is considered
an element of the operating system.) I'm assuming sub-capacity VWLC here,
and that you're submitting SCRT reports. Thus, if you set an LPAR group
capacity limit (now available in the newer z/OSes), your total C/C++ price
cannot exceed that group limit. It also cannot exceed the sum total of
individual LPAR limits.

Now let's suppose you have 5 "usual" z/OS LPARs and 2 zNALC z/OS LPARs.
You install and run the C/C++ compiler in 1 zNALC LPAR but not in any of
the "usual" z/OS LPARs.  You still have a single machine.  In that case
your C/C++ compiler price will be the zNALC price -- it's an operating
system element, so it gets that benefit, too.  And the price will be equal
to the number of MSUs your sub-capacity report shows for the total of your

The Sysplex examples aren't really more complicated.  Just insert
"qualifying aggregated Sysplex" everywhere it says "single machine" above.
I think the minimum number of MSUs is 3 in any of these cases -- unless
it's zero, of course.

So, to oversimplify a bit, the zNALC "domain" is treated much like a
separate machine.  If the workload qualifies, you can license software
separately to that zNALC domain, even on a single machine (or single
Sysplex), and it will be treated separately even if it is something like a
base operating system element that ordinarily wouldn't be.  The same is
true in reverse: products licensed to the regular z/OS LPARs aren't counted
over on the zNALC side if they're not licensed to the zNALC LPARs.

Net net, you'll want to read the zNALC announcement to see if you qualify
-- and if your use of the C/C++ compiler would qualify, in particular.  For
example, if you're porting code currently running on distributed UNIX to
your mainframe using that compiler to do it, then you just might.  Or if
you're considering buying a new vendor application, and that application is
capable of running on distributed UNIX or Windows, but you'd much rather
run that application on your mainframe on z/OS, and you need a C/C++
compiler to support the application, then you might qualify.  If you think
you might qualify, send IBM a completed zNALC questionnaire to find out for
sure.  If you do qualify, you'd then consider whether it makes sense to
carve out another LPAR, which has its own pros and cons.  It may or may not
make sense to do that just for that one compiler, especially if you have a
"small" machine.

OK, now, to answer your question directly (since I've done it before
publicly, so water under the bridge I guess): U.S. commercial use pricing
for 3 MSUs (the minimum) of the IBM C/C++ compiler, with or without Debug,
on zNALC LPAR(s) is ... $6 per month.  So the marketing people might say,
"As low as 19.4 cents per day !!!  Order NOW, and we'll also include 3 MSUs
of Debug Tool, absolutely free(*)!  BUT THAT'S NOT ALL...."  Please be
aware that that number could be a LOT different -- even orders of magnitude
different -- depending on your circumstances.  Also, that doesn't include
the base zNALC z/OS charge, although your mileage varies a lot on how you'd
fairly divide that.

(*) Actually, "free" means "no additional charge."  The lawyers make us say
that, because stuff like your time is presumably worth more than zero.
When they say free, they really mean free.  And they never say free.  Even
their pro bono work is "no additional charge."

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Specializing in Software Architectures Related to System z
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan and IBM Asia-Pacific
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