Hello everybody,

1. We got a nice addition from Leigh Compton on how to optimize web
service invocations when the requester and provider programs are in the
same region:

2. Roland started his article on using the dynamic program library:

3. Hordes of people joined this week and I look forward to their
contributions on the Wiki.

4. Please check out the new blog called "The Master Terminal" in the Wiki
sidebar. It is for Hursley people and is administrated by Chris Hodgins.
The URL is: http://masterterminal.wordpress.com/

5. My blog finally has an "About Corneel" section on CICSWorld (
http://www.cicsworld.com/blog/2 ). I started with a series of articles on
the "The uncertain future of CICS". The first is called "Is COBOL like
Oil?" and is bound to ruffle a few feathers. Check it out at:

Have a great week!


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