To respond to your various questions/points: Walt, I am searching backwards, that is, I begin at the end of the command buffer minus the length of my search argument and work backwards. I know this works through using various WTOs and forcing the thing to abend to take a look at the content of the registers etc and the fact that the WTO of the command buffer that Hans asked for contains:
STC02976 00000080 ARCH FILTER(*) LIST CLASS(USER ) ALL So it must be working it's way back through the command string to find my search argument. The (in)famous CLC 0(R9,R8),FILTER 'filter('found? was actually based on one of the IRREVX01 samples included in SYS1.SAMPLIB(RACEXITS): LA R7,L'USERKEY CLC 0(R7,R5),USERKEY with USERKEY defined as: USERKEY DC C'USER(' a PASSWORD keyword I guess they must be doing something in a different way to me. Maybe I'll sit down and try and work through it when I get a moment. Either way I think the moral of this particular part of the tale is 'understand the code first, don't just copy it' In he end I used CLC FILTER,0(R8) 'filter('found? as suggested by William and it works just fine. Thanks for all your help. I do this sort of thing far too infrequently and so suffer for it!! It makes it a lot easier knowing that there's people like you guys around who are willing to help out. Best regards Paul ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at