Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
From the front panel, I had flipped a bit in conditional branch
instruction in the password verification routine ... resulting in
anything entered, always being treated as valid password.

Eh eh.. reminds me of my very 1st day as a (paid) sysprog..

The resident guy was showing me how easy it was apply a PUT tape (must've been VM/SP4 or VM/SP4+HPO - yeah I know, I'm still a junior)..

Anyway.. he went on, did his stuff.. dumped the various CP tapes to their respective minidisks - and in the process, rebuilt DIRECT MODULE.

A bit later on, he figured he had to make a small change to the CP directory.. Made the change and then went ahead with a 'DIRECT USER' (oops.. picked up the one that was just built that was residing on the A disk)..

Now mind it, he hadn't yet generated the CP nucleus.

Logged off MAINT (to take into account the change)... Logon MAINT : USER MAINT NOT IN CP DIRECTORY.. (ouch !)

Resident sysprog goes white.. throwing various expletives around the room..

So right.. I tell him to calm down.. OPERATOR still logged on right ? Tells me.. yeah.. should be..

We head for the 3279-2A sitting in front of the 4381.. Cool.. we still have an OP..

STCP <address>+X'110' D4C1C9D5E3404040 (actually, couldn't remember Where in the VMBLOK the userid was stored.. so a bit of DCP helped) CP LINK * 191 100 RR (yeah : the cool trick : you don't need a password to link to your own minidisks)..
ACC 100 Z (anything after S)
.. Get back in the room
LOGON <someone> : works !
LOGOFF the VM on the console.. log back on as operator
LOGON MAINT : Works.. Woohoo ! Back on track..

Not as crisp as flipping switches (4381 doesn't have any of those - but I guess I could have figured it out using alter/display if necessary).. But it earned me my 15 minutes of fame ;)


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