Dear All, Our shop has never used FEPI before, but since the bussiness need grew, we are currently exploring that option. Any experience in using FEPI is very much needed. We really need an expert on guiding us towards the right way on how to implement this. So we are going to have a CICS Program that will go back-and-forth to different CICS Region using FEPI Terminal calling different CICS Transactions. We also know there is another option IBM called Service Flow, but we are a few months behind that, since we havent customize the system to be able to use WDZ (Websphere Developer for Z Series). One thing that we heard Service Flow can do what FEPI can, but much more robust and powerful (for ex, commit after all transactions has been done successfully, which I heard FEPI cannot). We are planning to pass the credentials of user id signing on using a PASSTICKET FEPI Command. We uses this command: EXEC CICS FEPI REQUEST PASSTICKET (W-PASSTICKET) CONVID (W-FEPI-CONVID) ESMREASON (W-ESMREASON) ESMRESP (W-ESMRESP) RESP (W-RESPONSE) END-EXEC. But when we run the program, and displaying the result, the CEEMSG shows result like this: PX29DATK 20080825210450 DATKIA04 ESMREASON: 00000000, ESMRESP: 00000008, EIBRESP: 00000016, EIBRESP2: 00000250 We tried to follow RACF Admnistrator Guide and set these command: SETR CLASSACT(PTKTDATA) SETR RACLIST(PTKTDATA) SETR RACLIST(PTKTDATA) REFRESH RDEFINE PTKTDATA GIBSPTKT SSIGNON(KEYMASKED(1212121212121212)) UACC(NONE) then we give the USER-ID that is going to run these FEPI command authority towards PTKTDATA GIBSPTKT. Anything that we miss and need to do? From whom that is still trying to digest, the books. Thank you in advance. Regards, Fransiscus Kaurrany
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