Hello List,
Jack and Ituriel, 
Thanks very much from your help.
Sergio Lima Costa
> Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 15:21:22 -0300> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: RES: 
> ADRDSSU Question> To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU> > Hi Sergio,> > ADRDSSU itself 
> does not do that. To do what you want using ADRDSSU you have to create > a 
> program that calls ADRDSSU, and this program must handle the information. You 
> can use> UIM of DFSMSdfp to obtaim the information from ADRDSSU and 
> manipulate some control blocks > to discover the external dataset name. Write 
> these information to a repository (VSAM) so> every dataset backed up with 
> your front end ADRDSSU will be stored associated with the> external dataset 
> name.> > If you want to be fancy, you can create na ISPF interface to restore 
> any dataset automatically.> > > Atenciosamente / Regards / Saludos > > 
> Ituriel do Nascimento Neto > Banco Bradesco S/A > 4254 - DPCD Engenharia de 
> Software > Sistemas Operacionais Mainframes > Tel: 55 11 4197-2021 R: 22021 
> Fax: 55 11 4197-2814 > > > > |-----Mensagem original-----> |De: IBM Mainframe 
> Discussion List > |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Sergio Lima> |Enviada 
> em: terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008 18:22> |Para: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU> 
> |Assunto: ADRDSSU Question> |> |Hello List,> | > |We try help a production 
> people here, and wrote a REXX > |routine, to restore some files, when the 
> user need.> |Here, in out installation, the userid, need know, the volume > 
> |where the file was when the backup was executed, and, in the > |dsname of 
> backup, have a variable with volid, and the date > |where the backup was 
> made.> |So, the REXX routine, display a list of DSNAMES of Backup, > |using 
> the LMDINIT / LMDLIST, that was a good idea gove by Rob Zenuck.> |After ask 
> here, I heard that a program utility that do a > |backup (ADRDSSU), don't 
> know what the files that exist on a > |cartridge backup, and , for this 
> reason, if the userid don't > |know the volume, is impossible restore a file, 
> at least than > |read volume by volume .> |Normally, Utilits of IBM, don't 
> have a control of backup from > |files, I remember, years ago, that worked 
> with DYNAM/T under > |VSE, and there, We can restore a file, because the 
> Product > |have a catalog, that manage this.> |I know very little about 
> ADRDSSU, anybody, know any way, that > |search the cartridge Backup's from 
> locate the files easier ?> | > |Thanks very much> | > |Sergio Lima Costa> 
> |System Consultant> |Sao Paulo - Brazil> 
> |_________________________________________________________________> |Confira 
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