Hi! We use the "Change LPAR Security task" (under "CPC Operational Customization" in a "Single Object Operation") to display and modify security controls for all LPARs on a single CPC.
We encountered the following problem: if we take away Input/Output Configuration Control from some LPARs and then save the changes to profiles, the activation profiles are updated, but not the display in the "Change LPAR Security task" (at least, not for the inactive LPARs). So, there is no way for us to check if all security definitions are already applied. The only way is to open each LPAR activation profile and look in the security submenu. In other words, the panel does not reflect the content of activation profiles and using it as a basis for further changes could lead to unwanted authorities in some LPARs. Has someone faced this situation and, if yes, what was your answer to the problem? I am talking here about z9 / z10 environment. -- Zaromil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html