You don't say what the actual problem is, but remember, when using
ISFPARM's like this, the match is top down I believe.  Also, It would
probably help to add this to the paragraph:


Dave Jousma
Assistant Vice President, Mainframe Services
1830 East Paris, Grand Rapids, MI  49546 MD RSCB1G
p 616.653.8429
f 616.653.8497

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Howard Rifkind
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 3:10 PM
Subject: SDSF Question

Hello all,
Below is an entry I placed is the ISFPARM's file in order to create a
new group for anyone who is listed under the "NTBL NAME(SYSPRGSX).
There is only one entry in NTBLENT.  This was done in order for various
people to do the SDSF LOG command and have the log come up at column 51.
I executed the following without any errors:
 F SDSF,REFRESH,M(HR)                                               
 ISF304I Modify REFRESH command accepted.                           
 ISF726I SDSF parameter processing started.                         
 ISF739I SDSF parameters being read from member ISFPRMHR of data set
 ISF728I SDSF parameters have been activated.                       
However this isn't working.  What am I missing?  Any help would be
appreciated.  Thanks.
GROUP IUID(SYSPRGSX),       /* Group name                          */
TSOAUTH(JCL,OPER,ACCT),     /* User must have JCL, OPER, ACCT      */
ACTION(ALL),                /* All route codes displayed           */
ACTIONBAR(YES),             /* Display the action bar on panels    */
APPC(ON),                   /* Include APPC sysout                 */
AUPDT(2),                   /* Minimum auto update interval        */
AUTH(LOG,I,O,H,DA,DEST,PREF,     /* Authorized functions           */
CMDAUTH(ALL),               /* Commands allowed for all jobs       */
CMDLEV(7),                  /* Authorized command level            */
CONFIRM(ON),                /* Enable cancel confirmation          */
CURSOR(ON),                 /* Leave cursor on last row processed  */
DADFLT(IN,OUT,TRANS,STC,TSU,JOB),  /* Default rows shown on DA     */
DATE(MMDDYYYY),             /* Default date format                 */
DATESEP('/'),               /* Default datesep format              */
DFIELD2(DAFLD2),            /* Sample alternate field list for DA  */
DISPLAY(OFF),               /* Do not display current values       */
DSPAUTH(ALL),               /* Browse allowed for all jobs         */
GPLEN(2),                   /* Group prefix length                 */
ILOGCOL(51),                /* Initial display column in log       */
ISYS(LOCAL),                /* Initial system default for DA       */
LANG(ENGLISH),              /* Default language                    */
LOGOPT(OPERACT),            /* Default log option                  */
OWNER(NONE),                /* Default owner                       */
UPCTAB(TRTAB2),             /* Upper case translate table name     */
VALTAB(TRTAB),              /* Valid character translate table     */
VIO(SYSALLDA)               /* Unit name for page mode output      */
     /* Sample NTBL list */         
  NTBL NAME(SLIST)                  
  NTBL NAME(SYSPRGSX)               
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