Peter FYI - I did some 'playing' around and was working with the Quick Pads editor, which is MUCH more robust (you can alter the size of buttons and move ANYWHERE you'd like...), and created a "quick pad" with the customized items I wanted from the items in that 'other' customized toolbar which I was unable to edit via the toolbar editor and arranged the buttons in the way I wanted. (whew, long winded sentence there). After doing that and then displaying the new quick pad in my 3270 session I was looked at it and thot, dang, wish I could make this a toolbar so it was so abtrusive looking. Well, long story short...
I went into My Computer and changed the extension for the new quick pad I had just created (.EQP) to the extension of the toolbars (.ETB) and viola! it was now a toolbar! So... use the far better Quick Pad editor to create/modify your buttons as you see fit and then to make it a toolbar just change the file extention to .ETB. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at