If you have some sort of automation package like Mainview for IMS or
AutoOperator, you could have it change your archive job to use DASD
rather than tape when it sees your VTS's go boxed.  Then your IMS's
don't go belly up because they ran out of OLDS, and your archives don't
get backed up either.

Norris Jackson

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-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:ibm-m...@bama.ua.edu] On
Behalf Of Ben Alford
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 1:11 PM
To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
Subject: Boxed Devices Ate My Job

Our IMS system periodically submits batch jobs to offload its logs.  Of
course the job never fails until we run for 9 days unattended over the
Christmas break. Some unexplained event caused the twin fiber links to
our VTS to drop offline for about 10 minutes, generating sticky messages
IOS581E and IOS208I.  The rub then comes that the system generates
messages IOS102I and IOS451I and boxes the device when the paths come
online.  Then some time later IMS submits his batch job which fails with
a JCL error due to allocation failure because all 64 virtual tape drives
have been boxed. No amount of COND=... will help for a JCL error so the
email and text message alerts were never sent.

Suggestions for automation or notification?  (MPFLST only) Automatically
vary the boxed device back online?

Ben Alford                             Enterprise Systems Programming
University of Tennessee

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