As entries are added to a GDG by DSN=...(+1), G0001V00 thru G9999V00 are
created with the wrap bit OFF (I'll refer to these entries members of group
A).  After G9999V00 exists, the next entries created by DSN=...(+1) are
G0001V00 - G0999V00 with the wrap bit ON (I'll refer to these entries as
members of group B). Note that G0000V00 is not used.  

Normal processing of GDGs using DSN=...(+1) should cause older entries to
roll off so that as members of group B are created, all members of group A
should become uncataloged.  When this happens, the system will turn off all
the wrap bits in group B and it will then look like group A did in its early
stages.  The GDG has wrapped successfully!
If for some reason an entry in group A does not roll off (i.e., an
expiration date is changed so that the entry doesn't expire in a timely
matter, etc.), group B will not have it's wrap bits turned off.  When group
B gets to G0999V00, then next attempt to create an entry by using
DSN=...(+1) will fail.  Manual intervention is required by the user to
correct all the existing entries in the GDG before any new entries can be
created.  Good doc from IBM about how to correct the problem is not easily
found.  At 3:00 AM Sunday morning, this could really be FUN!!

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