here is the the file after, it's blocked efficiently, indeed other things
process it in minutes:

                              Data Set Information
 Command ===>
 Data Set Name . . . . : SZ.SDSF.WORK
 General Data                           Current Allocation
  Management class . . : DEVSTD          Allocated cylinders : 4,015
  Storage class  . . . : STANDARD        Allocated extents . : 201
   Volume serial . . . : HAT10D +
   Device type . . . . : 3390
  Data class . . . . . : MULTDVE        Current Utilization
   Organization  . . . : PS              Used cylinders  . . : 4,012
   Record format . . . : FBA             Used extents  . . . : 201
   Record length . . . : 133
   Block size  . . . . : 27930
   1st extent cylinders: 15
   Secondary cylinders : 20
   Data set name type  :                 SMS Compressible  :   NO
   Creation date . . . : 2009/02/03      Referenced date . . : 2009/02/03
   Expiration date . . : ***None***
 To display multiple volumes press Enter or enter Cancel to Exit.

             Brian Westerman                                               
             SYZYGYINC.COM>                                             To 
             Sent by: IBM                    
             Mainframe                                                  cc 
             Discussion List                                               
             <                                     Subject 
             .edu>                     Re: SDSF - so slow!                 
             04/02/2009 06:03                                              
             Please respond to                                             
               IBM Mainframe                                               
              Discussion List                                              

I can't believe how stupid my last comment (and test) was, I looked at the
wrong line of his output and completely missed that the next DS in line was
25 MILLION lines.

I don't have any 25M line jobs to test, but I went to our test runs of
SyzSpool and looked at the stats for various size output.  I don't see how
any of them would multiply out to the numbers that he is seeing.

The 120,000 EXCPs is possible putting about 400 recs/block in the datasets,
but that seems to be strange (or maybe pretty big records).  Maybe your
writing them out to a dataset that is blocked badly, or the JES dataset is
really screwed up.

If you were to select your output in SDSF, then MAX DOWN to the bottom, how
long does that take?  If it isn't 1/2 of the numbers that you have provided
initially, then the problem isn't with the input dataset (or SDSF) itself,
but rather with the output DS that you are writing it into.  Although if
it's the input DS that is the problem then this test will not really show
very good results, only if the output dataset is the issue.  It would be
interesting to know the record size of the input and the DCB of the output.

Sorry for the stupidity of the last post.


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