Check out the agenda at This proves to be one of the most informative conferences in recent memory. Our platform, indeed the entire IT industry, is going through a transformation and SHARE seems to be covering it all.

For years, SHARE abandoned keynote presentations. I guess that reflected the lack of clear direction for our platform that was so pervasive at the time. In Austin there will be _three_ keynotes. (Talk about a swinging pendulum!) I plan to attend all of them but, as a self-described "MVS bigot" whose keenly interested in where our platform is headed both near and long term, I'm particularly looking forward to hearing Karl Freund's keynote address: "Building a Dynamic Infrastructure - Trends and Directions for System z." Mainframe meets cloud computing? Does System z have a leg up on the competition?

The MVS/SCP Project has an exciting and varied agenda planned that ranges from presentations by acknowledged subject matter experts to user experiences related by competent people from installations just like yours. As you would expect, there will be plenty of information on the most recent hardware and software offerings from IBM and ISVs, including previews of upcoming releases and loads of migration advice to get you there with a minimum of problems. Real "techies" can learn how an operating system works, tour I/O subsystem internals, learn how HiperDispatching and other complex algorithms work (and why they're needed), learn the best techniques for diagnosing system and application problems, and discover free tools that can help you work smarter, not harder every day. There are even a few "hand's in" opportunities (noted as such in the session titles) that provide an opportunity to help shape IBM's direction without the need for those "pesky" formal requirements.

Some of our speakers are flying in from other countries or haven't been to SHARE in a decade. There is a resurgence happening, folks. And SHARE seems to be at the forefront!

I'll be simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. You can stop me in the hall and say "Hi" or, in keeping with 21st-century SHARE tradition, snub me. (Someone even has stickers that say, "I got snubbed at SHARE.") The choice is yours...

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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