LINKINST was added to the CALL macro in 1997 (OS/390 R2).  
Frankly, I don't remember ever noticing it, let alone using it.

What I remember is what I went through when I started to work in XA in 
1988/1989 and ESA in 1991.  I started to modify programs which were all 
AMODE=24 to switch to AMODE=31, like I saw the SDSF code do in ISFSRC.  
A few months later, I realised that it would be better to write AMODE=ANY code 
which CALLs AMODE=ANY sub-routines which switch to AMODE=24 when they have to 
(mostly GET/PUT, READ/WRITE), and made appropriate changes in sub-routines 
for them to work in MVS/370, MVS/XA and MVS/ESA.  So, for the last 20 years, 
I used this type of approach in most of my assembler code and don't care 
about what's available to switch AMODE in MVS, VM and VSE.  

In 2003, I realised that it was unlikely that my programs would ever have to 
work in a system older than DFSMS/MVS, so I removed all the AMODE=24 code 
from GET/PUT, READ/WRITE sub-routines.  

I don't think I ever used SYSSTATE or made much difference between BASR and 
BALR and can't imagine why someone would worry about this in 2009.   
The only thing I remember is the problem about 24-bit address constants in 
various control-blocks (DCB, RB, SWA, ...) which many of my programs and 
sub-routines have to deal with.   

And, almost always, I code BAL/BALR and rarely BAS/BASR.  
I started coding assembler on a 360/20 in 1972, so call that an old habit.

 Gilbert Saint-Flour
 GSF Software

On Tuesday 10 February 2009 14:53, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
>> Behalf Of Edward Jaffe
>> Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 6:50 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Assembler Question
> <Snipped>
>> I haven't coded a BALR for program linkage in decades. Up until a few
>> years ago, I still used it on occasion to "sense" the current AMODE.
> Indeed, and do you then always use the LINKINST=BASR keyword on the CALL
> macro to force the macro not to use BALR?  What do you do about the WTO
> macro which always generates a BAL around the message text? Etc., etc.,
> pick your system macro and observe the BAL/R's and other ancient
> instructions all over the place.
> <smallrant>
> I am occasionally somewhat peeved at IBM for failing to provide different,
> non-24-bit macro expansions when the programmer goes to the trouble of
> coding SYSSTATE ARCHLVL=2 (or any other mechanism they might care 
> to invent). 
> Even GET/PUT could use BASR, AFAIK, unless they too are using the BALR
> to detect AMODE.  Which ought to be documented, if true.
> </smallrant>

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