Paul Gilmartin wrote:
On Fri, 6 Mar 2009 12:02:23 +0100, R.S. wrote:

Schwarz, Barry A wrote:
Aren't beliefs a wonderful thing.

Since one customer is still using 3270 style dumb terminals exclusively, ...
BTW: Even "coax network" can connect CD to a mainframe. You need PC with
CD and coax card. It can be old HMC - older OS/2 based HMCs did have both.

FSVO "connect".  Does the CD appear to the mainframe as a storage
device/subsystem, or is the connection limited to file transfers
initiated by the PC.

Of course, one might run an NFS server on the PC and export the CD.
But that's late 20th century technology, likely not appealing to
the cited customer.

You are right. I just meant the simplest way to upload the files from CD to mainframe DASD. I really cannot imagine a mainframe shop without any PC. It just cannot be true! <g>

BTW: I used to work as a consultant (read: in other datacenters), sometimes I met very strange troubles with very simple things. In fact it is usually much harder to read data from the tape than upload data from CD. Of course using IND$FILE, ftp is oftenly to modern. <g>
However reading from CD is usually simpler *from procedural point of view*.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

ul. Senatorska 18
00-950 Warszawa

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NIP: 526-021-50-88
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