We would very much appreciate hearing from customers that have used the z/OS CMDS ABEND command to terminate a command.
-- What commands have you terminated, and what was your experience in doing so? Was it worth the risk? Were there undesirable side-effects? We are contemplating some changes in the behavior of CMDS ABEND to better protect the system from the termination of certain commands (for example, the termination of a command that can remove serialization and leave a resource vulnerable to inadvertent destruction). As a short term solution, we are thinking of establishing a list of commands that cannot be terminated because of the harm that termination can cause. We understand that this may reduce some of the usefulness of the CMDS ABEND command in certain situations. We would eventually like to have more granularity through a service by which a command can indicate when it can be terminated and when it cannot, the intention being that small, critical sections of the command could be protected from termination while other sections of the command would allow termination. Clearly, we would not contemplate these kinds of changes unless we felt there was a problem, but we'd like to hear from you before we proceed. W. Kevin Kelley IBM POK Lab -- z/OS Core Technology Development ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html